Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Illinois River to the Mississippi 18-23 Sept 3013

After an extremely long wait, 6 hours, to get through the Marseilles lock we traveled the Fox river in the dark and tied to the Ottawa, Illinois City Dock. When we woke the following day we enjoyed a great view of the river and the city of Ottawa. 

Rita and I have been trying to rush off the docks and explore the towns we visit. This is supposed to be a run, but the fact that I’m out of shape and the humidity has been making my breathing a struggle most runs have become walks. That being said, we have enjoyed the exploring, meeting great people and the opportunity for some us time. 

Abraham Lincoln's first heated debate with Stephen A Douglas was on Aug 21, 1858 in Ottawa. It didn't go so well for Lincoln and his handlers thought he was too soft. 14,000 people gathered for the debate in Washington Square Ottawa. It was said that it was a holiday atmosphere with serious questions, Lincoln & Douglas were very different. Douglas was short, broad and red faced with a deep bass voice. Lincoln was a lanky 6'5" with a high tenor voice. 
John Hasack And The Underground Railroad 
All over, these small towns we find placards with interesting history! John Hossack immigrated from Scotland in 1838 to Ottawa, Illinois, where he was a conductor on the canal and ran a thriving grain and lumber business. He was opposed to slavery and opened his home to escaped slaves. John and others came to the aid of Jim Gray a slave who had been captured by bounty hunters. For his actions Hossack was found guilty. At his hearing he gave a speech defending his actions. 
"I am guilty of no crime, I therefore ask for no mercy, I ask for justice." 
He was a hero to many, his epitaph reads. "He feared God & love his fellow man"

Clark Island Asian Carp Boarded the boat 19 Sept

Ok, so I have no picture but... At about dusk we were heading into Clarke Island to anchor the boat, when we stirred up a bunch and I mean a large bunch of Asian Carp. Up to this point of the trip, I had seen them from a distance and was mildly jealous that they had not stirred near our boat, but had jumped around Bliss II on many occasions. Anyway, this time the carp were, jumping all around us and it is quite a sight when all of a sudden a large carp jumped onto the boat about mid ship on the port side. Well, let me tell you close up and in person they are just not as fascinating as from a distance.  They, are slimy and they stink! As it jumped and banged its way to the stern it left a trail of slime and blood, then not so gracefully reentered the water. At this point it was clearly decided that I dislike Asian Carp. Not only are they making it impossible for me to even consider going swimming, but now they are sliming my boat. I quickly scrubbed the deck as night was setting in fast. The next morning the line between the stanchion had goo dripping from them like some cheap horror movie. 

Starved Rock

According to a native legend, a group of the Illinois Confederation battled with the Ottawa tribe and fled to the butte in the late 18th century. The Ottawa besieged the butte until all of the confederates had starved, and the butte became known as Starved Rock
We arrived in Peoria just in time for Octoberfest, coincidence, I think not! 
Unschuldige madchen Deutsch, biertrinker, erfahrener mann, frau

Our Two Big Strapping Men Getting Ready For The Log Sawing Contest

                              My Captain Trying To Hide He's Having A Heart Attach

Waking up Barr Island 

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Thanks for sharing. Glad to hear too that you are well and enjoying the voyage. Balmy 25'C in the Bay today
